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Ladies, Please Stop

Nice job, ladies. You needed to have Nancy Pelosi Tweet an explanation as to why women wore suffragette white to the Presidential speech last night and as a middle class female American that is fairly active politically, I needed to do some research to figure out what you were talking about.

  1. ReproRights? I think this term is incredibly disrespectful to human life. It immediately makes me think of PETA's complaints of puppy mills. Please, don't be this disrespectful of my children. I consider them to be the greatest of gifts from God. You are making light of my choice and degrading them by trying to be current.
  2. You missed it again, Dems. Young females didn't see the suffragette white as a political statement, they saw it as a gathering of fashion mistakes. If you were leading this “suffragette” movement, you would have taken the chance to issue fashion points from Glamour about Winter White to the female representatives.
  3. Suffragette? Why are you taking us back to the 19th century, Nancy? I think we females are pretty strong physically and emotionally and I think the generations of females before us have proven that. Stop sending mixed signals to those that haven't done their homework.
  4. EqualPay, PaidLeave and more. You said it, Nancy. I didn't. Not once did you ask my opinion on equal pay nor paid leave. As a female, I think “EqualPay” and “PaidLeave” are debatable subjects and in my personal conversations with men, they generally add to my rebuttal. As for the “and more” part of your Tweet, it reminds me of my fourth grade teacher telling me not to use the word etcetera because it means you can't think of anything else. You probably couldn't but, in this case the list is long and you ignored all of the constituents that are out there recognizing concerns such as: undocumented immigrants, disability rights, veterans that experience PTSD, the educational system, the availability of clean drinking water, gun violence, sexual assault, child abuse, equal rights regardless of gender, race, origin or sexuality, and so much more than anybody could ever express through a 140 character social media platform.

Please stop trying to be with the cool kids. I dare say that I speak for others that belong to my middle class demographic when I say, we don't like hypocrites.

A Thought About the Trump Administration

It's the hometown spirit. The fighting spirit that we are taught at a young age. The team spirit that is encouraged when we participate in sports. I am a Steelers fan and my friend cheers for the Giants. We have spirited conversations about our teams.

During the presidential election I had many spirited conversations with friends and family. While some of my friends were cheering for their Democratic candidate during the election, other friends were cheering for their Libertarian candidate while others felt their Republican candidate was the better choice. They rallied and gathered together and cheered. The election process was exciting!

Today, we're all watching the new President of the United States quite closely. Possibly more closely than we have ever done before. As I was listening to a radio broadcast tonight, it occurred to me that maybe the Trump administration just wants us to have that fighting spirit to help him make America great again.

Let's face it. It took all of us to create the problems we're dealing with and it is going to take all of us to work our way out of them. We have a lot of work ahead of us and joining together with our patriotic spirit could help us achieve our goals faster.
My thanks to the Weightman family 
for sharing this photo of 
 Hometown Hero,
Alfred T. Jeffries

God bless America

Trying Again

Computers are funny.  You can enter information ten or twenty times and achieve no result.  Then, there is that miraculous time that you do ...