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Teach Your Children About Savings Accounts

I  uploaded a little bonus to the debt management page today entitled, Teach Your Children About Savings Accounts.

I can't believe how much time I wasted because of the word, intimidated. The more I started to think about how intimidating banks can be to children, the more I laughed.

I laughed because I was such a fool when my children were younger. Why didn't I use the bank to my advantage? Whenever I took my children into the bank for them to make a deposit, they walked out feeling a little bit taller and they behaved better. What had I missed?!

It's too late for me but, knowing that I could have bought my children off on a regular basis by handing them any amount of money and then taking them to the bank made me laugh. In my experience the tellers smile, are always nice and polite and then they give the children a lollipop.

Besides, if I had bought my children off this way who was going to gossip about how I was a rotten mother since I got my children to behave by handing them money and taking them to the bank. Well, somebody probably would have found something to say.

If you or your children get into the idea of money management, I suggest that you view the Feed the Pig site. Their have great tips and tools for visitors.

Please like my facebook page where I help veterans make B2B connections.

Attention: Veterans and Civilians. I Need Your Help

I have a plan. The problem is that my schedule has been interrupted and I can see that this will cause a delay in my plan so, I decided to jump ahead a few days and let the plan flow where it may. That's why I need your help.

I am seeking veteran owned businesses that have interest in creating B2B (business to business) connections. I have established a facebook community for businesses to post their information so they are able to connect with one another. Please like KaraMiller.Net on facebook and we can get this community off the ground. You can be a entrepreneur, be working on your startup or have an established business. The community is there to help veterans gain success.

I started the community in conjunction with my web site which is focused on sharing resources with veterans. I'm still working on the web site and adding information to it but, it's a slow process. Apparently, I need a team of four or five to keep up with 20K people that I am in contact with throughout the month.

I know that you are thinking it is an exaggeration to say that I am in contact with 20K people each month but, the numbers don't lie. I was shocked to see the tally. Seriously, it's little old me and the information I share on the internet is reaching that many people. Sure, I don't speak with each person individually me but, I want civilians and veterans to help veterans achieve success and we have to start somewhere.

You probably know that I am a believer in proper planning to prevent poor performance but, if I allow this interruption to cause yet another delay I know there is a possibility of postponing the launch date to mid May. This way, you can like KaraMiller.Net, post your business information and ask questions you may have in regard to your business. This is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor. It doesn't cost you anything, just a few clicks.

Ladies and gentlemen. it's time. Let's do this!

Closing Time

After twelve hours at the computer, my eyes told me that I should call it a day. Yes, it was closing time and the song started to run through my mind. 
Dan Wilson gives you the story behind the song.

So, You Want To Be An Entrepreneur

You started following me on social media and have had the thought that you could be an entrepreneur too. I'm happy to tell you that you are absolutely right.

When I started Georgianna Hardware Corporation I had limited skills for creating websites but, I knew that Americans needed help and guidance with their small businesses. I had a vision of helping others and rather than sitting around and talking about it, I took action and got the website started.

With the diversity of my past employment and watching the digital age develop, I knew that I could add to this world. You will notice that I redirect my attention from time to time but, it is usually because I am off learning.

I am currently transferring websites and upgrading the services that I have available. I expect that this will take me a few days. Please remember, I do this kind of stuff so I can make it easier for you.

While I am in process of moving websites and launching KaraMiller.net you are welcome to contact me on the Georgianna Hardware Corp. facebook page. It's my "Home Base" while my schedule is disheveled.

You are terrific for understanding! Thank you.

Trying Again

Computers are funny.  You can enter information ten or twenty times and achieve no result.  Then, there is that miraculous time that you do ...