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Kind Of A Big Deal

There's a name for people like myself, entrepreneur. Some might like to be called solopreneur, but I am not one to fly alone. I don't think there is anything without others being involved but, that's just me. I know a number of people that prefer to work alone and I think that's wonderful if that is what they choose to do. I enjoy being in contact with others.

A few years ago, solopreneurs were referred to as freelance workers. It's the same idea, just a fancier name. This is a great time to establish yourself as a solopreneur but, you need to be ready to be a Jack of All Trades. You can offer your services through fiverr.com or through Amazon Services. I have been posting various jobs for years but, maybe you would prefer to create your own job.

One thing that I have learned in my five years of being an entrepreneur is that there are many successful people that went out on their own because they simply didn't like people. I admit, it gives me a funny feeling when they tell me that but, I haven't met a non-people person that I didn't like!

There are a ton of resources available online where entrepreneurs are more than willing to help you start your own business and it is something you can do yourself without spending much money. A few ideas for small businesses are; computer services consultant, party planner, social media strategist, handyman or shopping services professional. I won't give you any competition but, I'd be happy to connect with you and help you with getting your name out there.

You can find low-cost advertising ideas on the GHC Advertising page.

Today was kind of a big deal because I processed the state registration for my business. Nobody cares, but I am officially good to go for another year.

This Is Why

I know myself. That's why I started this new website. I tend to shut down when I don't feel right about complaining to people that didn't buy into getting my opinion on things like politics. Not that I'm looking to be the next Ann Coulter but, there is a time and place for everything and GHC wasn't the right place. KaraMiller.net gives me the place.

Today, Josh Earnest explained that President Obama would not be attending Justice Scalia's funeral by saying that some people want to use this as a political cudgel. Political cudgel? What the heck does cudgel mean? I vaguely remember this word but, I can not remember the last time I used it, nor how.

Cudgel is defined as; a transitive verb meaning to beat with. As a noun, it is a short stick used as a weapon.

Google has nice images of cudgels, some of which are fairly frightening.

So, our president refuses to be involved in the political cudgel. It saddens me that Justice Scalia's wife, children and grandchildren that gave up time with him so that he could serve his country are not important enough to our president for him to show them his respect and appreciation.

Not as if it matters. Our president is commending people for riots and ignoring serious, national problems of drug addiction. Oh, and I guess there won't be anybody at the service that would be cool enough to take a selfie with.

I didn't know Justice Scalia but, I knew of him. The Supreme Court Justices often receive celebrity type status and there is controversy about where he was when he passed away. Considering the government corruption we hear and read about, what does it matter?

I think it is better that Vice-President Biden will be our representative at Justice Scalia's funeral. I pray that he will be respectful enough to leave his phone in his car.

Metaphysical Law of Attraction, My Thanks to Mom

To me, referring to the Metaphysical Law of Attraction just makes me sound smarter than I actually am but, it's fun. Metaphysics refers to abstract philosophical studies and is the part of philosophy that is concerned with the causes and nature of things. Since we are spiritual as well as physical beings, our experiences are to be used for learning. Anything metaphysical is of or relating to things that are thought to exist but cannot be seen. When you say, “I want _(fill in the blank)_”, you are planting a seed in your mind. The seed's growth is based strictly on what environment you provide for it.

I have studied the law of attraction and manifesting positivity for 35 years. Not full time but, I'll explain and you can decide.

My father was a veteran of the Korean Conflict, my mother was his sweetheart from early years. They grew up in a small town. It was so small that my paternal grandmother was my mother's Sunday School teacher. The two of them had been together forever and then I showed up.

So, they are in a fairytale relationship and my sister and I are raised by this mom and dad team that had their act together. Mom knew exactly how dad liked his steak and dad knew which piece of candy she would choose from the box when he handed it to her.

Things weren't always perfect and there were problems but, the family muddled through. Since I was the younger child I probably didn't get as much attention. Nobody cares about that and that includes me but, being the second child meant that I sat back and watched the people around me. I observed and probably made subconscious notes about people's behavior.

In my teen years, Post Traumatic Stress appeared on the scene. I didn't know what was going on and I like to believe that since my dad preferred it that way mom supported his effort. Actually, nobody had officially given PTS a name back then and when I asked mom to clue me in she shook her head and said something about the reconnaissance missions dad he had done in Korea. I was over thirty years old and had two children of my own before he gave me the slightest bit of insight about his time in Korea.

Anyway, mom gave me a Norman Vincent Peele book to read so I studied it. Mr. Peele taught me that, “Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don't have any problems, you don't get any seeds.” My extensive study of manifesting and the law of attraction had begun.

Manifesting isn't sitting back and expecting God to fill in the blanks. The Law of Attraction doesn't mean that if you think of Unicorns they will arrive at your doorstep. Assuming that you are as cynical as I, that cynicism needs to go out the window. Cynicism only confuses the Universe and those around you as to your true intentions. To manifest and see the Law of Attraction work requires you to focus on your desires. It's work to rewire your brain and give two positive thoughts for every negative thought.  

Using a dart board as an example, you face the board and know that you want to hit the bullseye. You focus on the bullseye and prepare to throw the dart. You breathe in and lift your hand. Just as you release the dart somebody to your right stands up. Your dart misses the bullseye but lands just up and out to the right. In that millisecond, you lost your focus and instead discovered confusion. It's not a big deal. That happens to everyone. Two positive thoughts can be, 1) you threw the dart 2) it hit the board. You need to refocus in order to manifest a bullseye.

The idea of manifesting and the law of attraction is not something new. James Allen wrote As A Man Thinketh in 1902. Dr. Peale had The Power of Positive Thinking published in 1952 and the law of attraction is why one of my heroes, Rocky Bleier was able to return to playing football after serving in Vietnam.
Anna sending positive thoughts that I will share my cookies.
Positive thinking always works.

KaraMiller.net Is Live

Last week I purchased KaraMiller.net as a new website. I did this because as much as I have always enjoyed working at Georgianna Hardware Corporation and I still do, the activity on the Veteran pages that I had published showed me that there was a need for civilians to be more involved.

I guess that knowing, loving and caring about veterans is something that is just natural to me. Veterans have been in my life as long as I can remember, be they relatives or friends.

When I started to follow Matt on The Long Trail Home it broke my heart to think that there were 22 a day that didn't have the desire to go on. These are our children and those 22 a day generally remain faceless and nameless.

I simply cannot ignore what I know is the truth and decided to take action.

I'll be overly honest with you. I know that I am highly opinionated and I value my freedoms immensely. By owning KaraMiller.net I will not be hiding behind GHC. It's me, as a civilian taking advantage of my freedoms. Thank you, veterans.

The first pages that I published are Veterans page 1Veterans Debt Management and Credit Score. These pages are suitable for both veteran and civilians and since I had to start somewhere I started with what somebody would need to know when they arrived home and were starting a new life.

This is my first blog post for KaraMiller.net. I have a lot of work ahead of me but, I think I should be able to get it all together in the next few years. Please, join me in this venture. I'm only six days in and I already have a few stories to share so I expect it will be fun.
Cat Prince, host of  Calderara Universe

Trying Again

Computers are funny.  You can enter information ten or twenty times and achieve no result.  Then, there is that miraculous time that you do ...